June 23rd and 26th on the North Shore
I was invited to go out on a boat in Joppa Flats in Newburyport Weds evening, catching the last couple hours of the incoming tide. There had to be 20 boats on the flats, including kayaks. And, I'm amazed that there haven't been any reported kayak accidents, as they were everywhere and were fishing up to 11pm, when it was very dark. I've fished very late in my kayak, but never when there are so many boats in the water.
The fishing was good. We ended up catching ~10 strippers between the three of us, none of keeper size. I threw a black and purple bronzino fly at them, to no avail. All the fish were caught on the bottom on mackerel (not my favorite way to fish).
I also took the kayak out to black and white beaches in Manchester by the Sea. The going was slow and the water was littered w/ seaweed. I saw a couple of backs come out of the water, but they weren't interested in my offering. When I took the kayak out of the water, I noticed some inch to inch and a half silver minnow-like bait. If I go again this week (which is highly likely), I'll switch flies to match.